What to Expect for Flooring Installations
- Please move your car(s) from the driveway to make room for our installers.
- There will be dust and disruption, we will do our best to keep the area as clean as we can.
We do recommend that clients be prepared to clean after the install.
- If it is on the contract for us to move your furniture please have small pieces, any breakables and valuables moved out of the working area.
- If it is on the contract for us to move your furniture please have small pieces, any breakables and valuables moved out of the working area.
- If the furniture removal is not on your quote, it is your responsibility to have it moved in advance of the install date. Please notify us well in advance, if you are unable to move some of the furniture, we can arrange to have it moved; however, there will be a charge.
- We will move, but do not disconnect any electronics, please have all electronics disconnected prior to our install date.
- If you are doing the flooring removal, it needs to be done to Michael’s Flooring standards. If there are any questions about this, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss the requirements. If we arrive and the flooring has not been removed properly, we can either reschedule to allow for you to complete it properly, or we will do it at a cost.
- If you have certain expectations on a way you would like things done this needs to be brought
to our attention so we can accommodate this for you.
- If at any time you see something you are not happy with, please contact the store immediately
at 905 374 2721.
- Please make sure that any painting or spackling is dry before the flooring installation.
- Please make sure that electricity and water are available to our installers.
- We will make every effort to avoid scratching or chipping paint on baseboards; however,
because our work happens so close to the baseboards it is possible a scratch or a “nick”
can occur.
- Vibrations from the installation can cause cracks and drywall fastener popping, we cannot be responsible for such damage as it is part of the installation process.
- Please remove all items from closets and under beds as well as store away all bedding, sheets,
pillows and other small items. It is best to remove large pictures and decorative items especially breakables from the walls of the installation area.

Helpful Information
- Please notify our estimators and/or installers to any areas that are needing special attention, such
as, squeaky spots on the floor, areas that are not level etc.
- Estimators cannot be responsible for any underlying conditions that are concealed by the
current flooring product in your home (i.e. damage in the subfloor, mould, water damage,
layers of pre-existing flooring, etc.), some can only be determined when the floor is removed.
Any additional underlying conditions identified will be brought to your attention and will be estimated and in addition to the initial quote.
- The walls in most homes and existing flooring are not “square”; therefore, it is best that
the homeowner communicate with the installers about the flooring direction and which
areas of their home it is most important to them that the floor be parallel to.
- Please keep children and animals away from the installation and construction sites.
- It is the responsibility of the Customer and/or Restoration Company to ensure that we are informed of protocols for condo/apartments, security systems, parking, service entries,
elevators and overall building procedures, prior to our arrival on site.
- Temperature is extremely important. Please maintain a temperature of between 60- and
80-degrees Fahrenheit (or 16-26 degrees Celsius). Humidity in your home for wood products
to be 35 to 50 percent.